عشرة أطعمة أساسية تخفض من ضغط الدم

عشرة أطعمة أساسية تخفض من ضغط الدم

ارتفاع ضغط الدم حالة تصيب  واحد من بين كل خمسة بالغين، لا داعي أبدا للخوف منها، لأنه عند الالتزام ببعض التعليمات البسيطة يمكن للمرء أن يتعايش مع ارتفاع ضغط الدم بسهولة، في العادة ينصح الأطباء بالابتعاد عن تناول الأطعمة المالحة والدسمة، ولكن ألا يوجد أطعمة من شأنها أن تخفض من ضغط الدم ؟. بكل تأكيد […]

كيف يمكنك التعايش مع السكر؟

قم بتنزيل التطبيق English التعايش مع حالة السكر أمر ممكن وسهل، ابدأ بممارسة الحياة الصحية بشكل متوازن وتواصل مع طبيبك ولكن أولا عليك أن تفهم حالتك بشكل صحيح، فما هو السكر؟ وما هي أعراضه وكيف يمكن التحكم به؟ بشكل مبسط فإن حالة السكري بشكل عام هي حالة صحية تتميز بارتفاع في سكر الدم نتيجة عوامل […]

Crestor 101

Crestor 101 - Alma Health

Medically known as Rosuvastatin, it is used to correct the levels of lipids, fatty substances in the blood, the most common of which is cholesterol. How does it work? It works by reducing the amount of cholesterol made by the liver.As we mentioned earlier in our blog there are different types of cholesterol found in […]

Cancer-fighting nutrients & exercising tips

Cancer-fighting nutrients & exercising tips - Alma Health

Usually, the cancer-fighting food are often plant foods that are rich in phytochemicals (also known as phytonutrients). Phytochemicals are compounds found in plants that can help prevent chronic diseases like cancer. Usually, this list is topped with berries, broccoli, tomatoes, walnuts, grapes and other vegetables, fruits and nuts. Before you start your grocery shopping, keep […]

Food and exercise tips for cholesterol

Food and exercise tips for cholesterol - Alma Health

We’ve written about cholesterol on our blog in the past and provided some definitions as to what it is as well as explanations to LDL and HDL. However, in today’s post we’ll dig deeper and provide tips on how to better manage cholesterol in your life through diet and exercise. Diet & Cholesterol Eating heart-healthy […]

What do I need to know about stroke?

What you need to know about Strokes - Alma Health

Stroke happens when a part of your brain’s blood supply is interrupted or reduced, this will prevent brain tissue from getting enough nutrients and oxygen leading to death or brain cells. Urgent medical attention and treatment is required as early action can reduce brain damage and other complications. What are the signs of stroke? Trouble […]

Hypertension Diet

DASH Hypertension Diet - Alma Health

Are you wondering if there is a healthy diet that will help you with your high blood pressure? then you are at the right place! Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) is a lifelong diet approach in which it’s designed for this particular purpose. Initially this diet was developed when some researchers noticed that high […]

How to Prevent Eye Disease with Diabetes

How to Prevent Eye Disease with Diabetes - Alma Health

If you have diabetes, high blood sugars can cause damage in the blood vessels of your eyes. As a result, this may lead to diabetic retinopathy (problems in the retina), cataracts (cloudy eye lens), and glaucoma (pressure in the eye). How you can prevent or delay eye disease: Follow these steps to prevent eye complications: […]

What is a Keto Diet?

What is the Keto Diet - Alma Health

Have you ever wondered if the keto diet was right for you? In today’s blog, I will give you a brief introduction that will help you decide! Definition The Keto Diet (short for Ketogenic) is a short-term diet based on very low carbohydrates, high fats, and moderate proteins. When you eat a very low amount […]

5 Diabetes Superfoods

5 Diabetes Superfoods - Alma Health

Having advised hundreds of patients with diabetes, we have compiled 5 of the best foods to eat! These superfoods have a low glycemic index; they gradually raise your blood sugar, without dangerous spikes. It is important to remember portion control whenever you eat anything! Even if something is healthy, eating too much can stop you […]

5 Healthy Foods and Drinks that Interact with Your Medications

5 Healthy Foods and Drinks that Interact with Your Medications - Alma Health

What you eat or drink can interfere with the medications you take! Here are five of the most common food-drug interactions: Dairy Products Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese interact with some antibiotics, thyroid medications, and iron supplements. Calcium in dairy products (and calcium supplements) interferes with the absorption of these medications, so […]

Introduction to Weight Loss

Introduction to Weight Loss - Alma Health

If you’ve been thinking about losing weight, but have no idea where to begin, you have come to the right place! Check the weight loss program by Alma Health https://weight-loss.almahealth.io/  In today’s blog, we will give a brief introduction to weight loss, and give you one scientifically proven way to start on the right track. No […]

Chronic Conditions FAQs

Chronic Conditions FAQs - Alma Health

You Asked! We Answered In today’s blog, we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about medications. Some of my medications have expired. Is it still safe to use them? While some medications may not be harmful if taken beyond the expiration date, Alma Health clinical experts do not recommend doing so! Over […]

6 Grocery Shopping Tips for Diabetes

6 Grocery Shopping Tips for Diabetes - Alma Health

Healthy eating and glycemic control start with smart choices at the grocery store! However, since most stores offer so many choices, we often find ourselves overwhelmed and end up buying foods that get in the way of our desire to improve our health. All you need to avoid the most common supermarket traps is to […]

Diabetes Plate Method: A Visual Guide to Eating Healthy Food

Diabetes Plate Method: A Visual Guide to Eating Healthy Food - Alma Health

Eating healthy food doesn’t have to be boring! One of the first questions that patients ask when being diagnosed with diabetes is, what can I eat? We, at Alma Health, are here to tell you, that with the right method, you can eat a variety of delicious foods, while keeping your sugar levels in target […]

Diabetes Risk Factors

Diabetes Risk Factors - Alma Health

Chronic conditions are the major cause of death and disability worldwide. Knowing risk factors for a chronic conditions, including diabetes, can help you prevent or delay it. Even if you already have a chronic condition, knowing these risk factors can help you better manage it. In this blog, we will discuss the main risk factors for […]